1. Colonial Heritage: Representation, Memory and Interpretation through Tourism
Authenticity and integrity of colonial heritage
Memory policies and challenges in addressing the colonial legacy through heritage tourism
Interpreting and presenting the colonial heritage to tourists through new technologies
2. Cultural Exchange, Cross-Cultural Encounters and Post-Colonial Identities
Impact of colonialism on local cultures, and reencounter and dialogue between post-colonial nations through heritage tourism
Contribution of colonial heritage to post-colonial identity formation
Heritage tourism: new forms of cultural imperialism, or a means of interculturality?
3. Power, Heritage, Memory and Tourism
Political power and tourism: colonial heritage as an ideological instrument
Memory tourism and heritage: a form of otherness and cooperation in the global world
Tourism and colonial heritage: reencounter of cultures
4. Management and Community Engagement Practices in Colonial Heritage Contexts
Community involvement in fostering local ownership together with the preservation and sustainable management of colonial heritage
Economic benefits and social impacts of responsible colonial heritage tourism
Repurposing of heritage of Portuguese influence in the world for tourism