Call for Papers (Congress)
Oral presentation. Proposals for communications (in English) should contain the following information:
• Name of the Author(s)
• Affiliation
• E-mail
• Link to ORCID or an online international CV platform
• Thematic line addressed by the proposal [preferably one; maximum two]
• Title [maximum 160 characters]
• Abstract [250 words maximum]
• Paper [minimum 5000 to maximum 6000 words]
• 5 keywords
• Short biography of each author [maximum 150 words]
The language of the congress is English to encourage both constructive communication between participants and international dissemination. Presentation 15 minutes; discussion 5 minutes.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission to the congress: May 1, 2025
Notification of acceptance and next steps: September 1, 2025
Proposals must be submitted to the following email address: In the subject line please write: Tourism and Colonial Heritage Congress.
Proposals will be selected by the Scientific Committee, based on their merit according to the following criteria: relevance, innovation, scientific quality, and pertinence of the theme.
All authors whose communications are accepted must be present at the Congress; otherwise they will be not eligible to publish in the indexed journal.
The Congress is presential with no virtual participation.
If you have any queries about the Congress, please feel free to contact us: